Telephony in a sentence as a noun

That doesn't make telephony a cause of marital problems.

After telephony and web functions, it's probably the next most used feature.

For a telephony app I had to dial 100 simultaneous phone numbers to bring people into conference calls.

It's sad to see that vision evaporate, along with some of the novel telephony and interactive features that made WebOS a joy to work with.

You'd also be extremely profitable using off the shelf hardware like software radios, and non-compliant open source telephony software.

You live in a country full of unemployed tool and die engineers, journeyman construction workers, print journalists, steelworkers, and telephony engineers.

The fibre and backhaul infrastructure would be owned by the government, while retail companies would be allowed to sell internet connections, telephony and pay TV services over this network .

Surely for Twilio to become the 37Signals of the telephony world, they'd need to stop releasing new features and just let the product stagnate, while occasionally publishing bitter screeds on their blog about how worthless other companies are?

So according to the report, Obama is going to propose legislation that:- Would end the NSA's authorization to collect bulk call records from telephony providers under §215.- Would require the NSA to require court approval prior to every §215 call record request.

Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do his will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone.

Quote Examples using Telephony

Wired land-line telephony in the US vs. mobile in Africa personal checks in the US vs. EFTs in the EU & cell credit in Africa NAT vs. ipv6 automobiles in the US vs. effective public transit


Telephony definitions


transmitting speech at a distance

See also: telephone