Marital in a sentence as an adjective

Your marital status and whether or not you have kids should NOT be on your CV.

That doesn't make telephony a cause of marital problems.

Because it's about not having a co-founder; not her marital status.

The damages she could collect reflected the reduction in her future marital prospects.

For example: where a free man would be subject to a hundred lashes due to pre-marital relations, a slave would be subject to only fifty.

You'd never talk about a guy's marital status and the attractiveness of his spouse in his introduction at a tech conference; why on earth would you say it about a woman?

Are men commonly characterized by their physical attractiveness and marital status?

> Already, mapping technology can cause marital problemsNo, affairs can cause marital problems.

Study 1 indicated that "happiness" was moderated by marital status.

" implies that she is married and the surname is her husband's; "Ms.", appropriately for professional communication, makes no assumptions about her marital status.

Any employer who does this would leave themselves wide open to lawsuits based on anti-discrimination laws, as there's no way you can troll someone's private Facebook profile without learning protected information such as age, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, etc.

Somewhat off-topic but why do companies feel the need to write:"Stack Exchange, Inc. does not discriminate in employment matters on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, military service eligibility, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or any other protected class.

Marital definitions


of or relating to the state of marriage; "marital status"; "marital fidelity"; "married bliss"

See also: matrimonial married