Tedium in a sentence as a noun

Sure, there can be a bit of tedium and repetition here and there.

If burn out to you means getting tired of mind-numbing tedium, you haven't experienced burn out.

The 14th edit of a paper just feels like pointless tedium and is time not spent making or testing something.

Or is it that it can be a tedium to go over the reams of error messages that compilers spit out when things go wrong.

From what I've read most of that stuff is outsourced anyways so that PA can focus on the content and not the tedium.

It is a career with the tedium of other careers, and then some because so many other people are trying to do the same thing you are.

The 4chan-as-low-quality cliché goes well with all the other re-re-redigested morsels of tedium that 99% of content consist of.

It is hard to describe how it feels to watch my 9 year old pop off months worth of school tedium in one morning, moving up through long division into simple algebra equations.

Go does not do type inference, it just does type deduction, a much weaker thing that at least relieves some basic tedium, but still leaves the source code fairly full of type declarations.

It's a big stick, compared to some more subtle faceting, but it mostly works fine, while putting some pressure on the reader to accept a certain amount of tedium in those people I still want to listen to.

Though this could be solved, with a fair degree of tedium, by first converting all the SVN links in their bug reports to be the equivalent changeset id in git, then hosting a mirror of the git repo.

The problems would have been more fundamental and the solutions would be more "pure" computer science, but I imagine you'd still have the same level of tedium with regards to debugging and loose user requirements.

It's a perspective that is too often ignored by younger generations: You can't always quit a job when the work gets boring -- sometimes you just have to push through the tedium if you want to be the best at what you do.

Replace all of the brewing talk in the description of cleaning, tedium, and notetaking with chemistry, and then you will understand why I became a developer after spending 4 years studying chemistry.

Proper Noun Examples for Tedium

At best we have won the war on idleness, which is only a lite version of it. If anything, these tedium-time gadgets exacerbate the deep boredom problem, what Pessoa calls tedium:Tedium is not the disease of being bored because theres nothing to do, but the more serious disease of feeling that theres nothing worth doing.

Tedium definitions


the feeling of being bored by something tedious

See also: boredom ennui


dullness owing to length or slowness

See also: tediousness tiresomeness