Ennui in a sentence as a noun

Most of these sites tend to afflict one with or are used because of ennui, in my opinion.

When exposed to it, the best among them get fascinated and keen, the worst are cast into despair and ennui.

I will stick to my guns here: Most of these sites tend to afflict one with or are used because of ennui, in my opinion.

All narrated by the kind of ennui suffering character that makes up a large proportion of the first world.

At this point we're descending into existential ennui.

Don't conflate the two. My advice is to more accurately attribute your ennui to "wasting your 20s" as in postponing life to when you "make it" - allow yourself to start living now the way you truly want to and enjoy yourself, time goes by fast.

If you're a contemplative/philosophical person, especially a smart one, there's a good chance that you can tap right into people's ennui and disillusionment.

This leads into materialistic nihilism and a very unsettling style of ennui in which a person has to get further detached from reality to feel good.

It was about 'the population has an endemic drug problem leading to widespread ennui and HIV/****, and even some of the harshest drug laws in Europe are doing absolutely nil to quell it.

I would like to see a clinical trial which attempts to measure the opposite effect from Soylent: that removing the food preparation ritual can contribute to depression, or at least ennui.

> Given the overwhelming amount of cynicism and ennui in most people's minds about any meaningful change to US policies for the Internet or NSA spyingA lot of this is entitled whining in the sense that changing stuff is hard work.

Given the overwhelming amount of cynicism and ennui in most people's minds about any meaningful change to US policies for the Internet or NSA spying, I must applaud organizations like the EFF for continuing to fight the good fight.

Ennui definitions


the feeling of being bored by something tedious

See also: boredom tedium