Tater in a sentence as a noun

Brush waffle iron with oil, place a handful of tater tots inside, and close to cook.

Put a tater in one of the little circles, then change the width of the page, and it moves out of the circle.

It's all still search engine traffic, mostly from Google and mostly for "tater tot casserole" Go figure.

Hot lunch was a thing when I was growing up. Same as everybody else from the US in this thread- about $1-2, cheap greasy pizza and tater tots.

The GitHub team are all there, naturally, but I'm intrigued what "tater" is about.

Things like hash browns/tater tots, potato salad, crunchy vegetables cooking in a sweet soy sauce sauce, etc, etc.

If the boy were starving he probably wouldn't have skipped the free breakfast to hold out for chicken nuggets, tater tots, and hot dogs.

It's a nice idea ... but:- The positioning of the 'taters' isn't relative to the element they're attached to.

Much like the author of this post said, my calculus education focused entirely on boring rote computation and not at all on proofs, the,a tater of which is.

A franchise operator for a fast food restaurant doesn't have to worry about where to buy burgers, the brand of deep fryers, or even the optimal amount of time to fry the tater tots.

Ah, but what is freedom if I can't watch American Gladiators because I want to?Or, in my case, what if I want a grilled cheese sandwich with tater tots instead of filet mignon and caviar?

Tater definitions


an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland

See also: potato murphy spud