Spud in a sentence as a noun

As a result, pressure rated ABS pipe is a better choice for a spudgun, as it is rated for compressed air.

I imagine you would be facing serious time pulling a stunt like that today as a high schooler armed with a PVC spud canon in the suburbs...

Spud in a sentence as a verb

It seems I've been severely misinformed in the past about the dangers of different pipe materials for spud guns and rocket motors.

Because of this danger PVC pipe is not rated for use with pressurized gases, and the use in spudguns is to be regarded as outside of specifications.

Spud definitions


an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland

See also: potato murphy tater


a sharp hand shovel for digging out roots and weeds


initiate drilling operations, as for petroleum; "The well was spudded in April"


produce buds, branches, or germinate; "the potatoes sprouted"

See also: shoot germinate pullulate bourgeon sprout