Talks in a sentence as a noun

Whereupon we all turned to Jessica, who is usually the one who talks us out of doing crazy things.

Compared to the talks featured on TED's home page, it just doesn't have the substance, the impact, the original research, or the delivery that those talks have.

But as someone who continually talks about hiring "rock star programmers", I simply don't see a result that I'd consider "rock star" equivalent.

There was a time when TED talks were mostly academics squeezing their usual hour long presentation into 20 minutes by simply talking really really fast.

Especially if it talks about actual measured metrics of productivity - rather that self-reported 'I felt just as productive at home' ones.

I learned a crazy amount of JavaScript, some pretty advanced debugging / performance profiling techniques, and even gave some talks.

[1] In his notes, Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy, Rawls talks about how his students eagerly come up with clever refute the propositions of great thinkers.

Its making side-effects first-class citizens: now you can write code that talks about having or not having them!You can still have side-effects however you want, you just have to be explicit about it.

I cannot concentrate, cannot even think clearly if there is almost any kind of noise - chatter, music, phone talks nearby, traffic noise from the street when the window is open or almost anything else, including my own voice.

This seems to be a rare case where removing words adds information, rather than removing it: "The talks failed because of politics" means roughly what it says, while "The talks failed because politics" means roughly "The talks failed because of politics, which is the kind of thing that always happens when politics are involved".Any linguists care to comment whether there's a term for this kind of meaning compression?

> "Facebook creeps me out."Whether or not you agree with his decision, having Notch pull away from talks with you creates an instant credibility "situation".It's also noteable that Notch had been meeting with the Oculus team just two weeks ago[0], was tweeting about them in rather gushing terms[1] and seemed incredibly inspired to work on VR ideas[2].He is now the personification of the a near universal feeling of betrayal in the community.

Talks definitions


a discussion intended to produce an agreement; "the buyout negotiation lasted several days"; "they disagreed but kept an open dialogue"; "talks between Israelis and Palestinians"

See also: negotiation dialogue