Negotiation in a sentence as a noun

Multiple phone interviews, HR people, code tests, and then the "used car salesman" process of salary negotiation.

I wrote an article on negotiation when I was a trial attorney that is applicable to most situations.

Nice quote from a different judge: "The court is well aware that it is being played as a pawn in a global industry-wide business negotiation.

The details get resolved by the founders, the company, and the investors through private negotiation, not through a public airing.

Please get over yourself and learn some non-technical skills: sales, marketing, design, product UI/UX, biz dev, getting distribution, negotiation skills, heck - some people skills!

Last time Mozilla's contract was up for negotiation, they caused bidding war that increased their value over the previous wasn't Google's generosity.

Employees owe a fiduciary duty to their employers to act in the best interest of the company and playing both sides of the fence at the end of a major negotiation is almost certain to raise serious issues about whether such duties were breached.

It doesn't particularly matter that you're going to continue blogging and OSS regardless of the outcome of this negotiation, you just frame the discussion such that that becomes newly discovered value which gives the other party something to hang their hat on for getting you that last $10,000.

It's no wonder that trials by jury are becoming so vanishingly rare that even the Supreme Court has written that "in todays criminal justice system, the negotiation of a plea bargain, rather than the unfolding of a trial, is almost always the critical point for a defendant.

\n * negotiation of terms that are embarrassing for an individual to\n formally address, such as severance, health accommodations\n and workplace privacy.\n\nThese are all things that we can have, and that we deserve, that bring none of the negative side effects associated with unions.

Negotiation definitions


a discussion intended to produce an agreement; "the buyout negotiation lasted several days"; "they disagreed but kept an open dialogue"; "talks between Israelis and Palestinians"

See also: dialogue talks


the activity or business of negotiating an agreement; coming to terms