Tabloid in a sentence as a noun

The more knowledgeable about tech I become, the more I view Wired as a tabloid/click bait farm.

No, but in the UK there is a wind of judgemental tabloid nastiness in this area.

Consider the british tabloid press, whose readers could care less about privacy as a principle.

This incident blew up into a tabloid-like frenzy because smart people abandoned reason in favour of sensation.

For those that aren't familiar, SemiAccurate is more of a tabloid rumors site than a hardcore technology site.

As an aside, this is the most ridiculous pageview-inflating image gallery I've ever seen on a tech-tabloid site.

Although there was stupid tabloid media long before social media came along, it's increasingly become the norm on the internet.

It's pretty hard to leaf through an American tabloid without forming a theory about possible psychological risks of acting.

Tabloid definitions


sensationalist journalism


newspaper with half-size pages

See also: sheet