Systematisation in a sentence as a noun

In my view the systematisation of anything is a part of modern technology, and if Qin was alive today he would surely do the same.

As moderators you really need to decide on your positions with much more rigor and systematisation. I enjoy reading Hacker News but its biased moderation is by far the most regrettable part of the experience.

It's the systematisation of the anti-death instinct, creating an ideology that logically justifies that instinct and fleshes out the full implications of being thoroughly against death. Qin didn't do that of course – this was the "burning of books and burying of scholars" dude.

Technocrats engage in over-systematisation and rigid mechanical ideation of the world because they forget Einstein's most important equation "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

It is labour relations within a late-capitalist system of dehumanising exploitation, over-systematisation and rampant financialisation that turns life's greatest joy of having skills and purpose into farcical performance art, into an inefficient, resentment-fuelled spectacle of self-harm.

Given the monumental size of fastidiously annotated music corpuses available, the quite diligent and far more agreed upon systematisation of various forms of scientific description of musical forms, and the arguably simpler space than some of the more recent advances like 3d object generation and the sophisticated artistic output from the latest 2d image generating models... seems rather odd music has no wildly popular machine learning model, something i could ask "give me 5 minutes of synth-wave by Mozart" or "Prodigy's Firestarter, but without the lyrics"...

Systematisation definitions


systematic organization; the act of organizing something according to a system or a rationale

See also: systematization rationalization rationalisation