Ideology in a sentence as a noun

They let prejudices and ideology get in the way of perceiving reality.

It's more about regurgitating the same ideology over and over.

I used to read through it, fascinated with its ideology, and sometimes building various explosives and weapons.

In my opinion, the HN community is always best served when posts and comments rise and fall on their merit, not because of flagging rings and ideology.

In comments to this post "thesagan" wrote that some of his ideas are "******* crazy" as if his ideology is composed of many different unrelated parts.

It was built for Solaris and really reflects their ideology, which is completely foreign to people who only have familiarity with Linux.

I'm not completely sold on his libertarian views, but these days I value a politician who doesn't lie to me over their political ideology.

Soviet leaders wanted such problems to indoctrinate Soviet ideology along with teaching mathematics, but only half of their wishes came true: students learned mathematics, but got rid of the Soviet rule.

For all the rhetoric and ideology of free markets our regulatory infrastructure is geared towards incumbents in ways that make it insane to invest in industries that would be creating new jobs now and in the future.

The military has historically been the guard of the official state ideology, ie Ataturk-ism, which is secular, nationalist, and in opposition to Islamic rule.

To acknowledge that "equality of opportunity" is a vicious fiction and understand that not as a call to any particular political ideology, but as a fact of the universe that we must reconcile with any political ideology.

Ideology definitions


an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation


imaginary or visionary theorization