Symmetrical in a sentence as an adjective

This is not symmetrical to how investors are treated. In both cases there is an investment in the company which can be measured in terms of dollars.

It stops the experiment being purely about numbers - I found I picked '5' because it was close to being nice and symmetrical.

The idea is not to see for how much you can 'take' a party in an a-symmetrical set-up where you have all the data and they have none. That's very much like taking candy from a baby.

So a square is symmetrical when transformed by reflection along either of two axes. This generalizes in other ways.

The context is not symmetrical. Men have not been historically discriminated against in the workplace on the same massive scale that women have.

Don't assume that needs and desires are symmetrical in a negotiation. Sometimes they basically are.

Many people new to the game will unthinkingly answer a symmetrical 50% gain, but of course that's wrong. To get from $50 back to $100, you need a 100% gain. For every loss, getting back to even requires asymmetrically more % gain.

Lightning strikes can be heard on radio at a point on the earth exactly symmetrical to the source, using the equator as plane of symmetry. In fact, the signal bounces around back and forth between the two points, following a line on the magnetosphere.

The purpose is probably to make the home screen symmetrical. Moving the two rightmost columns of app icons two pixels to the right achieves this. Note that previously the outer margins were asymmetrical.

The fact that our bodies are roughly symmetrical in one direction but not in the other makes this a bit non obvious unfortunately. It may be easier to understand this with an object that's not symmetrical in any direction.

Google Fiber is 1000/1000 Mbit/s symmetrical. Forcing the consumer to not use the idle uplink is against consumer generated content and consumer ownership of their own content, for the sake of a "differentiated business plan".

After I finished, the spectators pointed out that the bed frame and mattress were symmetrical, and the sleeping orientation was determined entirely by what side you tucked the sheets under and where you put the pillow. Flipping the sleeping orientation would have taken a normal person 10 seconds.

Whereas filing your taxes online is a one way transaction between you and the government, voting is one big symmetrical transaction between every member of the electorate. This makes it really tricky from a security perspective.

> Nobody paid anybody for the service because it was assumed to be symmetrical: as many bits were going in one direction as in the other so any transaction fees would be a wash. The justification for peering is not equal traffic, it's equal value - my customer wants to communicate with your customer.

Compare a Japanese zen garden to a perfectly symmetrical english-style hedge garden. So while I would agree that there is high value placed on things being 'perfect', I would disagree that Japanese culture sees symmetry as the ultimate expression of perfection… I would say they see 'asymmetrical yet balanced' as perfection.

Knowing that your co-founder is in exactly the same situation as you and that things are perfectly symmetrical can force you to actually resolve conflicts, because it takes away the option of one person shoving a decision down the other's throat.

> It may be a negotiation but it is a very asymmetrical one Not really - some interviewers may not get that an interview goes both ways, but it really is very much symmetrical. For me at least an interview is the perfect chance to evaluate a company and until now I've declined about 3 job offers simply because I didn't like the conversations I've had with the people doing the interviewing.

Symmetrical definitions


having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts

See also: symmetric


exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities

See also: harmonious proportionate