Inscrutable in a sentence as an adjective

I think you can check off everything on this list and still write inscrutable code.

Or will it be even more inscrutable thanks to the accidental complexity of working around Java's limits?

In many cases it's easy to figure out where the numbers came from, but in others, it's nearly inscrutable without a named constant or a comment or something.

"World's second largest economy discovered to contain money" is at least better than "Japan will never use the iPhone because they're inscrutable nationalists.

The problem I have with Windows is that stuff does break, but it's inscrutable how and what to do about it, whereas at least on Linux there is usually some way to do something about it if you're tech-savvy.

I find the iconography and general user experience inscrutable, I find the changes to View Source make it infuriatingly difficult to use, and the web inspector seems to hang a lot.

It's not called "sad path" A better name for it would be "terrible path of shame and destruction" Ever work inside a problem where you're dealing with multiple edge cases in several layers of complex system that has parts that are inscrutable?

You think he's just sitting there on his hands going "Jeez, I wish there was something I could do to convince people that I'm not actually a horrible bigot, but instead have complex and inscrutable plans for a massive Supreme Court precedent in five years.

Inscrutable definitions


of an obscure nature; "the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms"; "a deep dark secret"; "the inscrutable workings of Providence"; "in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life"- Rachel Carson; "rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands"

See also: cryptic cryptical deep mysterious mystifying