Swollen in a sentence as an adjective

The startup craze has attracted a lot of people with a swollen sense of self worth.

The whole right side of my face was swollen, and I couldn't see out of that eye for most of that time.

Which would be fine if I already knew how to self diagnose a swollen lymph node.

I honestly don't like the name, and I think for most people who have never heard the term this will bring to mind "swollen", not "buff".

I made my way to the buildings and found a mirror, and saw that 70% of my upper back was swollen with mosquito bites.

No, I believe it's saying that any split that was not caused by a swollen battery is out-of-warranty.

For example, removal of infected, swollen, or damaged tissue if that is what is causing it.

If it was caused by a swollen battery it would be eligible for an in-warranty repair.

We start the interview, by the end of which even he notices that my eyes are swollen and red - he asks me and I give him a brief recap.

"Clad in nothing but underwear, he was suffering from uncontrollable hiccups and burdened by a horribly swollen stomach.

Normal hypermastigotes, which contain only a single set of chromosomes, live in the swollen hindguts of wood-eating termites and cockroaches.

Admittedly, this is a pain point people bring on themselves by trying to do too much there, but it's a big red swollen example of how too much interleaving and complexity make it painful or impossible to reason about what's happening.

Swollen definitions


characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance; "a conceited fool"; "an attitude of self-conceited arrogance"; "an egotistical disregard of others"; "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"; "growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary"; "vain about her clothes"

See also: conceited egotistic egotistical self-conceited swollen-headed vain