Egotistic in a sentence as an adjective

To be fair those individuals were also egotistic elitists in other realms of their life.

I think it creates an egotistic atmosphere that creates problems for both participants and moderators.

It may be unsettling for us egotistic humans, but the domestication process can be mutual to the extent that it causes Speciation in both parties.

I see no reason to treat someone who claims, as a proof that people born in a certain period of time are more egotistic than others, the fact that an accountant told him so, any differently.

Taking a different view, that human brains are really quite extraordinary compared to everything we can see out there, is not necessarily egotistic.

> It seems incredibly unimaginative and frankly egotistic to think that you can make generalizations about overall Chinese cultureWhy?

The businessman who lobbies for monopolistic benefits, the politician who takes his campaign contributions, the copywriter who creates attack ads: they all follow egotistic interests.

I rather have him learn from me then some snob egotistic kid who thinks he knows the secrets of life preaching about how unfair it is that other parents are lying to his friends or another ignorant kid, who is figuring it all by himself, confusing my kid.

You really have to go to these places to understand them, and preferably have some level of competence in the language so that you can speak to a variety of people, not just some egotistic activist that gets his jollies out of manipulating foreign media.

Egotistic definitions


characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance

See also: egotistical narcissistic self-loving


characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance; "a conceited fool"; "an attitude of self-conceited arrogance"; "an egotistical disregard of others"; "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"; "growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary"; "vain about her clothes"

See also: conceited egotistical self-conceited swollen swollen-headed vain