Surname in a sentence as a noun

How do you reliably extract forename+surname from a single name field2.

"Geirfinnur Einarsson may have shared the same surname as Gudmundur but the two were not related.

So it's not clear to me that we would expect the wealth distribution of uncommon surnames to become more equal over time.

My name for instance, "Örn", is "Arnar" in genitive case and thus if I had a son his surname would be "Arnarson" and my daughter's surname would be "Arnardóttir".

My sister is defiant and managed to get her full name on by demanding that it was an unhyphenated triple barreled surname.

"Einarsson" is a patronymic derived from a parent's given name, not a surname or family name as is common in many western cultures.

Maybe that would explain the disparity between the surname analysis and other measures of social mobility?

They also provide easy cash, something hard to come by in a very conservative society where banks often lend money depending on your surname rather than your cashflow.

" implies that she is married and the surname is her husband's; "Ms.", appropriately for professional communication, makes no assumptions about her marital status.

Then let them link this to whatever the **** they want -- be it an Anglophone forename-middlename-surname string sequence, or something entirely different that fits their cultural requirements.

I have some news for you:"Scala" is also the name of a typeface, the student chapter of the American Library Association, part of human anatomy, a unit of area, a couple of music albums, a software company with no connection to the programming language, a couple of entertainment venues, two locations, a surname for I-don't-know how many people, and a snail.> it should belong to the communityA "community" cannot actually own a thing.

Surname definitions


the name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name)

See also: cognomen