Sureness in a sentence as a noun

Is "pretty damn sure" a high enough standard of sureness for you to call their bluff and talk to a lawyer anyway?

Even someone with a stalwart self-sureness will crumble if they feel like they're constantly failing to deliver what the business needs.

Voice assistants always reply with the same degree of sureness leading to some silly situations that wouldn't occur with a human.

Look, I'm not saying that they are as scummy as ABP, all I am asking is if anyone knows, to some degree of sureness, that they are not also doing these scummy things too.

I just responded to the cancellation of the fire-works in relationship to the media's sureness of a Hillary win.

Most of us feel as if we lived habitually with a sort of cloud weighing on us, below our highest notch of clearness in discernment, sureness in reasoning, or firmness in deciding.

" Mostly, it seems, because they direct their attention to their religious beliefs, and end up having a feeling of sureness about those, while other trippy things are happening.

It's worth noting that you can absolutely apply every level of "sureness" within the same company - and such gradation can be very effective if applied smartly.

What if a unilateral consensus to not hire still generated a 10% chance of hiring and a unilateral consensus to hire still generated only a 90% chance of hiring, so that interviewers had to know getting into this that absolute sureness was not a goal?That brings up an even better question, which is: can you have a good hiring process without a good firing process?

On anoxia -> In just a minute or two, you’ll discover a vast increase in your mental abilities—a sureness of thought, a breadth of understanding, and a rapidity and sureness of reasoning you never achieved before…Of course your brilliant realizations and mighty discoveries somehow seem to misfire when you come down off that jagI believe this covers quite a lot of the amazing 'realisations' people have whilst on psychedelics like ***, as well.

Sureness definitions


freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"

See also: assurance self-assurance confidence self-confidence authority


the quality of being steady and unfailing; "sureness of hand"