Self-confidence in a sentence as a noun

If you make them crush their self-confidence and make them feel like ****, they learn their lesson.

If it's good, they'll love it, and the self-confidence boost you'll get from that can carry you further.

"I long for the day when most start saying, "I wish Apple had Google's self-confidence.

They lose that blithe self-confidence and begin to realise they have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

[1] Important Note: This is about things that I do, not things that I am. If you blame yourself innately, that's bad and leads to low self-confidence.

It's also had lasting effects in pain reduction, how other perceive me, and my self-confidence.

I gotta give them credit, in a weird sort of way, for having the arrogance/self-confidence necessary to do it.

Or for that matter, the difference between assertive but respectful self-confidence, and blind aggression.

Even something as simple as a different clothing style or different haircut can improve your self-confidence and outlook on life, if you let it.

But being able to retire is a nice situation to be in, in terms of self-confidence, work-life balance and general psychological well-being.

A general amount of carelessness, undeserved self-confidence and ignorance is a given in most websites, especially when it comes to PHP.

Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding.

They also tend to give one self-confidence and internalize one's locus of control, whereas again hierarchies can only exist when people lack self-confidence and have relatively external locii of control.

Self-confidence definitions


freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"

See also: assurance self-assurance confidence authority sureness