Supporting in a sentence as a noun

However, there is a cost to supporting a phone idling on a network.

But two things, first, supporting prop 8 does not mean you "believe a certain group of people don't deserve to live their lives like others.

As a bootstrapping web business guy, I can say I've had way more problems with supporting iPads and iPhones than IE.

It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest.

This is why SMT solvers supporting floating point numbers is so exciting: it makes this sort of approach practical even for programs that use lots of doubles.

Supporting in a sentence as an adjective

MintChip, however, cannot solve this problem in any way except with chargebacks, and the documentation given so far indicates that they aren't supporting that.

I heard a developer saying "stop blaming indie developers for accepting generous offers from companies and start supporting their products instead".

Of course it's coming because IE, Chrome and Safari are going to be supporting it fully with 80% marketshare and people will blame Firefox if Netflix doesn't work in it and recommend you switch to Chrome to see movies!

Everybody doesn't want terrorists, but how about supporting congressional investigations?

With respect to Adria's past and her sensitivity to the triggers she refers to, a comment like this is not demeaning to women and her reaction has nothing to do with supporting the future of this industry and the women who partake in it.

Supporting definitions


the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening; "he leaned against the wall for support"

See also: support


furnishing support and encouragement; "the anxious child needs supporting and accepting treatment from the teacher"

See also: encouraging


capable of bearing a structural load; "a supporting wall"