Encouraging in a sentence as an adjective

We should be encouraging this sort of exploration and rigour in school kids.

This broke the ice and we had one of the most encouraging, pleasant conversations I had while at that school.

Note that this isn't even by choice -- if we don't take action, then we look like we are tacitly encouraging it.

The bits of evidence we do have don't seem super-encouraging.

It probably is encouraging for the weakest startups to have some kind of shared workspace they have to come to every day.

But it is an encouraging sign that courts are able to adapt to the times and is thus a highly positive development.

It was a brilliant policy for encouraging people to try. From one perspective 30+ letters of rejection to get what you want is depressing.

As a realistic person, I realize that sentiment does not alter a situation so it's hard to be encouraging.

Spend 30 seconds in the thread discussing a charity encouraging black girls to program[1] and it's blatantly apparent.

Our culture of openness extends to encouraging staff and community to share their beliefs and opinions in public.

This isn't encouraging me to interact with people here on an intellectually interesting level.

S3 is simply not an appropriate mechanism for site hosting, and it is a shame that Amazon is encouraging people to misuse it in this fashion.

Partisan election officials have a vested interest in deterring or encouraging the vote in certain areas;3.

If they don't try to create incentives for a unified experience, they get bashed for encouraging fragmentation, if they do assert a level of control, they get bashed for not being completely open.

I mean, this article obviously isn't about physically blocking someone from working 60 hours at their workplace but rather encouraging the person to think again whether those 60 hours really make sense.

While it's encouraging to see such a thorough debunking of the latest security theater technology, it's always been security theater... Allow me a few quick anecdotes:My family is friends with a gentleman who was a green beret medic during Viet Nam, and later worked for the CIA.

Python is only mentioned in passing, as an inferior choice to Haskell for rapid prototyping of mathematically-oriented code.- Go is presented as the "better C", which is encouraging but I'd feel more encouraged if the author showed they were properly familiar with some additional modern programming languages and the cases in which one might use them.- The assertion that "you can write object-oriented code in C" is accurate, although I think a better point to stress is "you can write mostly-well-modularised code in C, and that's what you want a lot of the time.

Encouraging definitions


giving courage or confidence or hope; "encouraging advances in medical research"


furnishing support and encouragement; "the anxious child needs supporting and accepting treatment from the teacher"

See also: supporting