Supplying in a sentence as a noun

It was sort of like supplying student-loans to grad students with the caveat that wages would be garnished until they leave academia.

Here's some books representing external human history from the perspective of the people supplying the money.

Concentrate on satisfying someone else's needs by supplying something excellent.

Even if your implementation is rock solid, users shouldn't get used to supplying AppleID credentials to random applications.

Then, later, when the next dictator they propped up starts bombing innocent civilians, the politicians will act outraged "who knew that by supplying weapons systems to a dictator he would ever turn them on innocent people?

Honest question: Have we, as a society, looked into possibly supplying people with short-term loans, with a guaranteed open position for someone at a place in more rural parts of America?Originally, I was born in Fresno, CA.

Apple will hedge their USD -> Yuan conversions as necessary with currency options, Dominos uses wheat futures, the farmers supplying wheat to dominos are using oil futures, and the oil company will have currency hedges for the 50+ countries they operate in.

The absurdity is illustrated by the British people having the "ridiculous situation that if you find magic mushrooms in the wild you can sit in the field and munch them to your hearts content, but if you take them home you could go to prison for up to seven years, and if you give them to a friend youll be supplying a Class A drug and you could spend 14 years in jail.

Supplying definitions


the activity of supplying or providing something

See also: provision supply