Anthropologist in a sentence as a noun

"You're not an anthropologist, so what you said is wrong" would have been an ad hominem.

I reckon the Machiguenga know all the ways to suck in an anthropologist by now.

If you were an alien anthropologist, would that strike you as the most bizarre thing going on at parties?

If it's a group of people, an anthropologist is either studying or considering studying it.

"Alien anthropologist" is the bizarre thing I often do at parties.

"Debt: The First 5000 Years" is a fantastic book from an anthropologist's perspective that clears up the real origins of money.

I think that the root of the confusion may be the contrast between an anthropologist's view of "worth" and an economist's view of "worth".

You, after all, have much better information than either your employer or a random anthropologist.

To an anthropologist, the word "group" might mean something closer to "subculture" than "organization".

If you are an anthropologist from a non-slave culture working in an area where people keep slaves, and you decide not only to keep a few, but to import them when you return...

She's a structural anthropologist who posits these religious taboos as extensions of the symbology dominant at the time.

I'm in Turkey and have a few anthropologist friends here studying everything from the statistics department to television stations to poor Turks displaced by gentrification.

If these ideas interest you, a good book to pick up is "The Mountain of Silence," in which an anthropologist visits Orthodox monasteries in Greece to try and understand these things, under the tutelage of a monk.

One reference refers to anthropologist Douglas P. Fry, but while Fry takes issue with Pinker's case for rates of violence in pre-civilization societies, he does not disagree with Pinker's main thesis: "Pinkers basic claim is itself largely on target: Physical violence has been decreasing over recent millennia.

Much more interesting than a bunch of people ranting incoherently about "fiat".If I were in search of a dissertation topic as an economist/anthropologist; I would be looking at the current wave of cryptocurrencies as a fascinating natural experiment in the social construction of value.

Anthropologist definitions


a social scientist who specializes in anthropology