Superfluity in a sentence as a noun

And the extra flourishes really just added superfluity to the page.

Read them all!But let no one suppose that this superfluity of employees meant easier work for any one!

Some two or three years later the superfluity of the thing in itself abruptly dawned upon me.

I completely get your attacking the superfluity of the Atlantic article.

I personally can't imagine a circumstance where I'd call a brother or sister a 'loser', and certainly not by reference to a trivial superfluity like financial 'success'.

Conflict thrives off of superfluity: superfluous methods, superfluous justifications, and superfluous issues.

Superconduction and superfluity are examples of macroscopic quantum phenomena.

But .. verbosity is the veil of clarity?> verbiage: excessively lengthy or technical speech or writing.> synonyms: verboseness, padding, superfluity, redundancy, long-windedness, protractedness, digressiveness, convolution, circuitousness, rambling, meandering; waffling, wittering, "there is plenty of irrelevant verbiage but no real information"

Yeah!----Certain statements in this communication regarding the alleged superfluity of disclaimers, including any statements regarding the expected length of such disclaimers, benefits and synergies of the disclaimers, future opportunities for the more disclaimers, and any other statements regarding future expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, financial conditions, assumptions or future events or performance that are not historical facts are statements made within the meaning of RFC 1438.

For it relieves them of the necessity of discriminating between different types of economic activity and different sources of wealth, between enterprise and avarice, energy and unscrupulous greed, property which is legitimate and property which is theft, the just enjoyment of the fruits of labor and the idle parasitism of birth or fortune, because it treats all economic activities as standing upon the same level, and suggests that excess or defect, waste or superfluity, require no conscious effort of the social will to avert them, but are corrected almost automatically by the mechanical play of economic forces.

Superfluity definitions


extreme excess; "an embarrassment of riches"

See also: overplus plethora embarrassment