Struck in a sentence as an adjective

But this guy struck gold 5 years ago with Digg.

A few drops of rain increase the chances of being struck by several orders of magnitude.

I think Larry Tesler might have struck some kind of chord in Bezos when he said his mom couldn't use the goddamn website.

My fear is absolutely petty compared to the fear of being struck down by leukemia.

About seven years ago, I was at a sushi bar and struck up a conversation with an older gentleman sitting next to me.

The surprise ID requirements struck me as manipulative, as if they knew if they'd asked for all this stuff before I booked a night, I wouldn't have used their site.

But gussied up in Malcolm's writing style, it struck the epidemiologically naive as brilliant.

This was the same court, by the way, that had adopted the State Street test that led to a wild proliferation of business-method patents and that was struck down in Bilski.

Better bargains were the draw and Walmart boomed, outgrew their original store and struck an agreement with the mall for cheap property and rent if they could become the new anchor at the mall.

By choosing to make an example out of his punishment, the US has struck a huge blow to its claims of moral superiority and American exceptionalism.

One thing that struck me immediately about the two companies -- an impression that has been reinforced almost daily -- is that Amazon does everything wrong, and Google does everything right.

They believed wealth would be an end-in-itself, and upon reaching that holy grail of financial security, they were struck with the terrible realization that there was no instant nirvana waiting for them.

If, however, the company can do a qualified funding before the note matures, the debt converts into preferred-stock equity on the terms struck with the equity investors at first funding, usually with a price discount, sometimes with a price cap, and typically with merger-premium protection for the converting noteholders for the added risk they take in being early in the game when risks are at their highest.

Struck definitions


(used in combination) affected by something overwhelming; "conscience-smitten"; "awe-struck"

See also: smitten stricken