Strong-arm in a sentence as a verb

The article is saying that Google is even applying some of the same strong-arm tactics to keep OEMs in line.

Instead he got targetted by an intollerant lynch mob that felt it had to strong-arm someone with views they didn't agree with.

Why do they strong-arm users into creating what will ultimately be 99,9% throwaway accounts?

Using the index as a way to strong-arm publishers into using a half-baked Facebook clone may even work, short-term.

So, HTP tried to strong-arm Linode into staying quiet until May 1st. HTP had obtained the customer information and credit cards of all the Linode customers.

Strong-arm in a sentence as an adjective

On the one hand, it's a little unfair that Germany gets to strong-arm Greece into doing what it wants, because it's an involuntary loss of sovereignty.

They worked really hard to make that the case, using every gimmick at their disposal, from patents to copyrights to support contracts to outright strong-arm tactics.

Am I one of the few who thinks that Arrington & TechCrunch are a problem in the startup world today?The reason TC gets the scoops is in part because they strong-arm startups by not writing about them if they don't provide an exclusive.

It also curbs the brand of extortion, so routine in American law as almost to have lost its ethical *****, by which lawyers use the costs of the process itself, or the risk of a fluke outcome found in any trial, to strong-arm their opponents into settlement.

Nobody seems to remember just how much money Microsoft and Sony have lost on their consoles.- Through 2005, the Xbox gaming division had lost over $4 billion [1]- Microsoft took a charge of $1 billion dollars on its June 2007 income statement to account for the cost of replacing bricked Xbox 360s [1]- Xbox 360 and PS3 losses total $8 billion [2]Luckily for Microsoft, they've had the cash to burn to strong-arm their way into the market.

Strong-arm definitions


handle roughly; "He was strong-armed by the policemen"


be bossy towards; "Her big brother always bullied her when she was young"

See also: bully browbeat bullyrag ballyrag hector


use physical force against; "They strong-armed me when I left the restaurant"


impelled by physical force especially against resistance; "forcible entry"; "a real cop would get physical"; "strong-arm tactics"

See also: forcible physical