Forcible in a sentence as an adjective

How is "we can force you into bankruptcy by suing you" all that less forcible than "the government will fine you"?

Remember when debian made a "simple fix" to open ssh and made all the ssh keys for 2 years brute forcible?

But other than on, say, gamer message boards, 'rape' doesn't have many other meanings than forcible sexual assault.

As Marx wrote, from your link, " 'theft' as a forcible violation of property presupposes the existence of property.

China use forcible sterilization programs, which is one of those ugly and socially unacceptable answers, for good reason.

That's because the definition of rape in the UK is deliberately quite narrow, and specifically applies only to forcible penetration with a penis.

Unfortunately for Assange and his character, the inaccurate part isn't "had forcible unprotected sexual intercourse with someone".

I don't know if he still works on kernel, but don't you think he would have been more alienated by forcible removal from the working group, for any period of time?If my boss tells me to take a vacation, I would get worried.

We hold that the Fourteenth Amendment was designed to, and does, protect every citizen of this Nation against a congressional forcible destruction of his citizenship, whatever his creed, color, or race.

Fascism is characterised by promoting the state over individual interests, the forcible suppression of the opposition, all generally accompanied by a suspension of the rule of law.

Practical enforcement would be very difficult, it would create a lot of bad blood with speakers of minority languages, it would establish a precedent for forcible eradication of minority cultures, and it's not even necessary if languages are extinguishing themselves.

Forcible definitions


impelled by physical force especially against resistance; "forcible entry"; "a real cop would get physical"; "strong-arm tactics"

See also: physical strong-arm