Stringy in a sentence as an adjective

Any time you have a dict with stringy keys that you know when writing the program.

Nice, this thing should just concatenate whatever stringy thing I throw into it.

And then there's the insoluble fiber: the stringy stuff, like, you know, cellulose, like what you see in celery.

It seems to have rather poor resolution, and there are what appear to be stringy anomalies and uneven portions.

Didn't the dolphins that escaped give some alarm - "Aliens with catchy stringy things will entangle you and drag you up to the bright place if you go there!

I always thought of the physical structure of celery and how it splits and is stringy - reminds my of piping tasks through a distributed task queue.

I'm kind of surprised and amused that a Roast Beef Sandwich restaurant in Minnesota chose a name that refers to a cow that has escaped from a ranch and lived out its days stringy and free from the slaughterhouse.

I think this is a beautifully expressed thought:" as soon as I saw 'the slow web movement,' I assigned my own meaning to it. Because its a great name, and great names are like knotstheyre woven from the same stringy material as other words, but in their particular arrangement, they catch, become junctions to which new threads arrive, from which other threads depart.

Stringy definitions


lean and sinewy

See also: wiry


(of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew

See also: fibrous sinewy unchewable


forming viscous or glutinous threads

See also: ropy ropey thready


consisting of or containing string or strings