Concatenate in a sentence as a verb

How do you minify and concatenate your files in your projects?

They really should concatenate some of those videos together.

Those features simply do not belong in a program whose purpose is to concatenate its input.

Otherwise, it converts both operands to strings and concatenates them.

It's tempting to go for a 'concatenate everything into one file' approach, but that can be suboptimal.

By passing an empty scope the only thing the evaluated script can do is build tables, concatenate strings, do arithmetic, etc.

Unlike Python 2, your bytes objects won't be decoded for you to str just because you happened to concatenate them with a Unicode string.

You almost want programmatic access to the SQL AST, so you can generate syntax as opposed to concatenate strings together.

If you pass such a library a string in a different encoding, it will happily store it, manipulate it, and concatenate it with other strings.

In any serious project, you will want to have lots of small files to ease development, and then concatenate into larger files to ensure optimal http loading.

The plus operator is overloaded to allow adding strings to concatenate them, and it will do type conversion to get compatible types, so "wat"+1 results in the 1 being converted to a string, and then the strings are concatenated.

Concatenate definitions


combine two strings to form a single one


add by linking or joining so as to form a chain or series; "concatenate terms"; "concatenate characters"