Streak in a sentence as a noun

I have spotted this totalitarian streak among some of my friends who went to med school.

Those people will start blogging in no time about how "commit-streak tracking changed my life", from their barefoot standing desks.

It's interesting that a lot of the recent billion dollar internet companies have some sort of gray/black hat streak.

The libertarian streak that has long been present in American culture seems to be taking hold of more and more people.

Ask your boss to give you a one or two-week leave and give you a break from your 70 hours a week streak, and learn something that's actually new for a change.

As a fanatical user of calendaraboutnothing in the past, I'm stoked to see the streak graph on the profile page.

Streak in a sentence as a verb

It's the opposite of the rebellious streak that characterized the baby boomers.

I'm perfectly willing to believe Steve Jobs had a mean streak or whatever, but you can't call it evil when someone refuses to do something no one else does either.

Googrosoft-style interviews are great for selecting people with raw intelligence, a competitive streak and some level of arrogance.

I wonder if this is just a strong contrarian streak in me, but I've always been extremely suspicious of "company culture" anywhere I've worked.

I thought this was about an employee leaving GitHub and thought "oh ****, there goes their winning streak"!On the actual post: what prevents one from using `git am` locally and then pushing the changes to GitHub?

If you feel like you have a knack for systems programming, being a good systems programmer is 1/2 the hard part of appsec; the other 1/2 is literally "taking pleasure in finding creative ways to break things", and you can find out if you have that personality streak in just a couple hours of trying attacks.

Streak definitions


an unbroken series of events; "had a streak of bad luck"; "Nicklaus had a run of birdies"


a distinctive characteristic; "he has a stubborn streak"; "a streak of wildness"


a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background; "a green toad with small black stripes or bars"; "may the Stars and Stripes forever wave"

See also: stripe


a sudden flash (as of lightning)


move quickly in a straight line; "The plane streaked across the sky"


run naked in a public place


mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained

See also: mottle blotch