Blotch in a sentence as a noun

That small, orange blotch in the lower left?

See that bright red blotch in southern Michigan in [1]?

It was just a big blotch of white, it was next to impossible to see the text.

I hope they keep up their drive to be more transparent irrespective of this blotch by TAL.

And don't forget the red blotch of shame where Ballard has been getting gentrified into the ground.

Or in the words of Churchill himself, "a serious blotch on the conduct of the Allies in the war".

Most of the validation set images are flat sepia with a random blotch of blue.

Each blotch of orange/black represents one cell present at the deactivation stage.

I'm a little surprised about the red blotch in Uxbridge, not sure what busines is prevalent there.

Blotch in a sentence as a verb

Let it come so I might hear leaf splats, watch the wet blotch, taste on my tongue, feel on my face the pentecost of petrichor.

The whole square is shades of hessian brown/pale green/caucasian artificial limb with a blotch of pink.

So kind of like trying to read the original blotch manuscripts from Beethoven vs reading clean modern sheet music.

And of all the people reading these comments and able to post, the odds that at least one would be in a "comment-worthy" blotch is basically 100%.

My own country took easy way out by banning history from being taught in secondary schools in an attempt to cover one huge blotch.

They clearly had no choice re the see no evil emoticon, it would just be a brown blotch and unreadable if it was all the same color.

Why bother brute forcing your squiggly coloured blotch when they can just put a tiny camera in every light, or whatever?No, no further arguments.

They don’t want you to come back a few years down the road and hold them responsible for not looking into an ambiguous blotch on an MRI that turned out to be cancerous rather than benign.

What they are really good at are convincing the dreamers that they are a great deal more detailed than they really are, because they're on the "inside" of the cognition; you might "see" a vaguely round blotch of color like what you may see when you close your eyes, but you cognitively "know" it's a ball or a face or the vanguard of the invading alien fleet that have been sent to Earth to determine whether or not your family shall live or die based on whether or not they brush their teeth for a prime number of seconds or something.

Blotch definitions


an irregularly shaped spot

See also: splodge splotch


mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained

See also: mottle streak