Stooped in a sentence as an adjective

What's truly sad here is that American politics has stooped this low.

Have you stepped outside recently and seen just how many people are stooped over a smartphone?

I am surprised that Facebook has stooped this low to monetize its userbase.

They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against \n him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger.

I totally admire the fact that Mojang haven't stooped to this level of trying to gouge money from their customers pockets.

We even stooped to doing these kinds of simulations as bench mark tests 4 years ago with 10's of millions of such points before we bought the Blue Gene/L.

You and the reference comment are engaging in dog-whistle politicsAaaand now you've stooped to insults.

*****'s advocate here: but the TSA has made it more difficult to attack planes, meaning that they stooped attacks that nobody will ever know about

Not sure if you actually read the book, but it outlines the spirit of the times Clark lived in very well and makes the argument that Clark never stooped to the tactics of the so-called robber barons.

:-/congratulations, you just stooped to the very same level of counter-productive-intelligence as those who are orchestrating the transparent monitoring of our society.

The goat major claimed he did it out of compassion for the goat, but this failed to impress the court.> Another royal fusilier goat earned the nickname "the rebel", after he butted a colonel while he was stooped over fixing his uniform's trouser-strap.

Its not just Google..Amazon has the same problem..some low recruiters working for Amazon spamming devsMy solution was to contact Amazon dev advocate and state that I would not upload my android apps to their appstore unless the recruiting spamming stooped..That worked for awhile, it no longer works

Afterward he asked some people in QA how it ended up in production so quickly and how they had missed such a basic issue and their response was "Ops, we stooped testing your code a few years ago this is the first time it bit us."TDD always struck me as an attempt to answer to the question what do I do if I don't know if this actually works and nobody is going to QA this ****.

Stooped definitions


having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect; "a little oldish misshapen stooping woman"

See also: hunched round-backed round-shouldered stooping crooked