Monetize in a sentence as a verb

I personally think the OP should monetize his creation.

It's annoying to me that people want free content, and they keep pushing companies to "get traction first, then monetize".

Knowing nothing about the sort of apps you make, I'd encourage you to try to explore more options to monetize them.

And his mission was to make a new place in the universe that didn't exist before, he left it to others to figure out how to monetize it.

To compensate for the greatly increased burn rate they'd need to monetize a lot better which almost always means features, content or policies that negatively impact the user.

Your first attempt to monetize that asset needn't be to sell your audience's attention to someone else, in this case undermining your ability to keep their attention.

I expected a permissive license or an open-core strategy to monetize proprietary components and not be friendly with the free software community, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Gillis Cashman, managing partner at McPartners, Inc. says that, despite selling happy meals in record numbers, delays in drive-through lines will continue, since since there is "currently no model for McDonalds to monetize the required investment" to upgrade its drive-throughs.

But the patents are "monetized" again to lesser players with shadowy relations to the original IV group, who in their turn try to "monetize" them further by attempting to double-dip with the original licensees based on limitations in the original licensing language.

My issues:- I don't trust Facebook to not convert the user system into a Facebook connect monster and force it on me - I don't trust Facebook to not data mine my data and violate me and my user's privacy - I don't trust Facebook to let me export my data once I want to move on - I don't trust Facebook to actually delete data once I tell them to do so - I don't trust Facebook to not to attempt to monetize my users beyond the account fee that I pay

Monetize definitions


give legal value to or establish as the legal tender of a country; "They monetized the lira"

See also: monetise