Stiffly in a sentence as an adverb

There was a moment where he queued some stuff up and then stiffly said, "yeah!

Then he extended his arms by his sides and stiffly patted the sides of his jacket.

"when i ran back to the deck chair to get rid of my underpants, i noticed someone lying stiffly under the chair.

This is the comment where I stiffly thank the parent commenter for eir explanation.

There are three baristas on this street who can make me a coffee, so they're also in a stiffly competitive market.

This is more of a "stiffly worded letter" or, at the very worst, expulsion of diplomats situation.

I had a colleague who was from the Ukraine, and I once referred to him as Ukrainian, and he stiffly responded, "I am Russian.

The door of the compartment was thrown open, and out stepped William II in the uniform of an Austrian General, his moustache curled stiffly upwards.

We must stop it.’‘Ah, and you suggest only that we go back to matters as they were before Pumping.’‘We must.’‘In that case, you will need hard and fast proof you are right.’‘The best proof,’ Lamont said stiffly, ‘is to have the Sun explode.

Stiffly definitions


in a stiff manner; "his hands lay stiffly"

See also: stiff


in a rigid manner; "the body was rigidly erect"; "he sat bolt upright"

See also: rigidly bolt