Rigidly in a sentence as an adverb

Now we are starting to develop some tech that does let us rigidly enforce laws.

Also you'll notice the wheels are not rigidly mounted to the robot chassis, they have suspension.

They'd think we were a rigidly hierarchical society.

If you operate on a framework so rigidly tied to social standing you might make pretty wacky decisions down the line.

Procedures that humans need to follow--particularly if they need to follow them rigidly--have bugs too.

" shouted Vroomfondel, "we demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!

A lot of very smart people had the mathematics all but yelling at them that the model of rigidly separate space and time wasn't working, and when you dig back into it, it was "yelling" for decades.

Compare the work for a biglaw associate and a startup:* The associate might have up to 50% travel, which is rigidly scheduled* Both the associate and the entrepreneur expect to work more than 60 hours a week.

In general, code executed by computers tends to be executed more "rigidly", but in some systems humans can also be quite automaton-like in just executing instructions.

"This example extends to every other process-focused assignment I've seen my kid deal with in school: "here's an ambitious outcome, here's a rigidly specified process, and here's a grading system that assesses each individually".

The danger is psychological because one thinks "hey this is safe, I don't need anything to worry about"That is why I believe it is better to use a language/system/framework that uses isolated heaps and rigidly enforces separation between concurrency units.

I think my favorite is the magical phrase "impedance mismatch", which I think in non-buzzword-speak translates to "**** you, I'm right"[3]: Most-frequent strawman: the most essentialist, rigidly-formal version of $commonly_used_thing, when in reality, nearly every version of $commonly_used_thing compromises to cope with reality.

I find it ironic how vocal the anti-RMS contingent is being in the same week that Microsoft is locking Firefox out of one of their Windows 8 lines, while we live in a world where Apple rigidly controls what you do with everything not-Mac and continue making strides towards locking down the Macs as well, where consumer electronics like eBook readers are rapidly displacing computers, and where Google's dedication to openness seems to come and go and is held hostage by hostile phone carriers and indifferent-at-best hardware manufacturers.

Rigidly definitions


in a rigid manner; "the body was rigidly erect"; "he sat bolt upright"

See also: stiffly bolt