Sprint in a sentence as a noun

Lots of people can be productive for a short, high-stakes sprint.

Pretty crazy when you actually see it sprint the length of a football field, turn around and run the length again.

My final sprint is so uncoordinated that my brother has to lean on the cycle to stop it from flopping over.

"The upright sprinting phase is where the athlete tries to maintain the speed they built up during the drive phase until the end of the race.

This is called the transition phase - where the sprinter's body moves to from this leaning drive phase into the tall and upright sprinting phase.

If you use the terms "sprint" or "iteration", and "epic" and "story points" but clearly don't understand what they mean and how they should be used, I'm gone.

Sprint in a sentence as a verb

" However, the sprints are actually very technical events.

I give it my best, but it's a bit harder this time, my legs haven't recuperated from the previous sprint and I am even more ungainly if possible.

Freed of the crushing medical bills, but now with two people working and one less car payment, we finished off our last year of school at a sprint, both got full-time jobs and never looked back.

Meanwhile my brother is shouting at me like a drill sergeant and through a combination of naivety and adrenaline I make it through my first 30 second sprint without too much difficulty.

But sometimes it just feels good to toss out your planned 20 mile run for the day, and just run out your front door and sprint around the block as hard as you can for 10 minutes, pushing yourself in a different way and learning something about your skills or capabilities that you never would otherwise.

At these companies that would dogmatically follow Agile and had two week sprints, I might spend four hours, across two days, actually developing -- with the rest of the days filled with various meetings, interviews, waiting for QA/DBA/sysadmins, ******* around, etc. I could easily see how someone could spend only 15 minutes on what took me four hours, and his solutions would likely be more elegant.

Sprint definitions


a quick run

See also: dash


run very fast, usually for a short distance