Cowrie in a sentence as a noun

I played back a friend banging on my cowrie setup a while back.

Doesn't mean you can't make payment in gold or cowrie shells, so long as you both agree to that.

I'm guessing it didn't pan out well for the guy who stockpiled cowrie shells in between.

My team and i run some different honeypot solutions, and we base a lot of them off of cowrie.

With today's world, there's no guarantee that'd be gold - it could be silver, or cowrie shells, or bullets, or cigarettes, or Juul pods, or USB sticks, or n95 masks.

There are examples of it being emergent phenomenon, yes, but when you look closely at how the cowrie shells moved around, you'll see the behavior of state actors.

Instead of "little/no utility" I'd say "price completely disconnected from utility".Gold is used in lots of things, such as electronics and plating cowrie shells.

Cowrie definitions


any of numerous tropical marine gastropods of the genus Cypraea having highly polished usually brightly marked shells

See also: cowry