Spooky in a sentence as an adjective

It's spooky to read this, because it's precisely the problem we ran into with Rust.

And the post-death messages that they like Ikea, or Chipotle, which are spooky, weird and tacky, all at once.

"This is spooky as **** and almost made me delete my LinkedIn profile today.

The binaural recordings are more than a little spooky.

There is a place in the UK where this happens with spooky regularity with people walking.

Quite literally, the future and the past may be linked by this "spooky action at a distance".We still don't fully grasp what, exactly, this means.

It combines expert system knowledge with spooky action at a distance, which means in anyone else's hands it will break and delay development.

In practice anything over 3000km/2000 mi is likely to be a problem, so live jams between NYC and Tokyo are probably never happening unlesss we come up with some clever way to exploit spooky action at a distance.

While this is not, strictly speaking, a violation of General Relativity as no information is exchanged, Einstein found this possibility so unsettling that he famously coined it "spooky action at a distance".

My instances never take longer than a few seconds to start up... in fact it's sometimes spooky how fast they do."...with very harsh restrictions and poor portability"You can say the same about web development, but the real question is if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Spooky definitions


unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)

See also: skittish flighty nervous