Binaural in a sentence as an adjective

Do you plan to add binaural beats?It seems to me they fit perfectly with your vision.

I've listened to a lot of binaural beats, and for focusing it worked quite well.

The binaural recordings are more than a little spooky.

The day isn't here yet that we can go outside with a pair of mics and come home with accurate binaural recordings.

Maybe you can listen to a certain binaural beat and induce a desired state, but for reasons we don't yet understand.

A recording from a binaural head cannot account for the different shapes of pinnae that humans have.

There is another open source software which generates binaural beats.

I have to say that I never heard anything like that...\nI was expecting some immersion but not at that level, definitely going to check more binaural stuff now

Could it be because humans have gotten tons of high-resolution, 3D imagery with binaural audio?

The advantage of binaural recordings is that they have an amazing feeling of "space" so that you forget that you are wearing headphones and that you aren't sitting in a forest.

For years, I dreamed of sounds being generated in games ala PhysX, really simulating sound waves in the environment, and calculating true binaural audio, the way Oculus Rift wants to deliver video to your senses, taking into account head position.

[...]"..follows a lot of background info, with references, and at the end of the article he comes to the conclusion:"So, in summary, binaural beats certainly do not work the way the sellers claim, but there's no reason to think they're any less effective than any other music track you might listen to that effects you in a way you like.

Binaural definitions


relating to or having or hearing with two ears; "binaural hearing"

See also: biaural