Spirits in a sentence as a noun

There were "corrupt policemen" which bought and sold spirits! Same here.

My spirits have been lifted. Thank you, Lon Snowden, for making the right decision.

With a great team of kindred spirits, only a few weeks after I first sent them a letter. Good luck to searchers on both sides in finding your own perfect fit.

I figured when he heard that he had actually received an award it would lift his spirits even more. It was a pretty stupid idea.

Not because they're such kindred spirits. I kinda wish you had responded to the OT portions of my comment, but I feel like that would have been equally fruitless.

Jack-Daniels is owned by Brown-Forman which specializes in spirits and not beer. The least alcoholic lines they run are wine.

He seems in good spirits and overall a nice person who has a sense of humor. Although Putin wants him out of the country unless he stops the leaks, at least he's getting along ok at the airport.

I think the notion of a god and spirits is laughable to the point of embarrassment and to deny science is to deny your own existence. You are correct that most born-in Witnesses would never leave.

Although its decline is evident, peoples' spirits have been so thoroughly crushed that I don't see a replacement coming for at least a generation.

Really it's damn near impossible and requires some kind of magic innate talent to be able to inspire and push people to work hard without crushing their spirits.

Of course, it's always up to the person to act but I find it's easier to work toward a goal when my spirits are high and being surrounded by hope has an uplifting effect.

Programming is hard and if somebody is scared by minus signs in front of method names, evil spirits will suck his soul out by the time he gets to thread synchronization.

It takes something like a hundred cups of coffee to reach caffeine's LD50; for alcohol, it's slightly over one bottle of strong spirits. Despite caffeine's higher potency, it's a lot easier to **** yourself by drinking too much whisky than too much coffee.

Etc. At the end of the hour, I said [somewhat to hear her response] that I didn't believe that she was communing with the spirits, etc, but that the discussion had been immensely valuable and that I would plan to talk with her again. She laughed, said thank you, we exchanged pleasantries and ended the call.

Generalising this de-spirits the debate. The fact is this information is being collected and will continue to be collected because it has tremendous intrinsic value.

> Go is closer in spirit to C than to any other language This is certainly not the case for the way that I personally think about C. Perhaps there are two "spirits" of C; two ways that people think about it: 1. C is small, C is simple, C lets you write useful programs with good performance while keeping the language itself simple.

Free-market cheerleaders, conflating rising wages with rising spirits, are quick to applaud India's "maturing" markets. But the truth is more complicated: Studies show that once people move out of poverty, increasing wealth does not necessarily lead to happiness.

"Far better it is, to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

Spirits definitions


an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented

See also: liquor booze