Booze in a sentence as a noun

Our booze does not run 80% margins... more like 70% ...

TL;DR: He used to use ***** and booze to deal with his insecurities. Then he used money.

When you click on a link here you never know if booze will mean alcohol or some node. js/go framework you've never heard of.

Gas, booze, smokes are basically half the price in Florida as Canada though. On the bad side...

In the UK, if you want to sell booze from your shop, you write to the council and apply for a license. They check you and your shop out, and if you seem okay, they grant it.

Blowing your money on booze and ***** and gold chains and other luxuries? Christ, you barely have enough money for food, let alone all of that.

It makes me very sad, kind of like when you see a criminal stealing some booze shoot a mother and a baby because they were witnesses and in the way. You just cry and move on.

Booze in a sentence as a verb

I'm always a little amazed that the age for buying booze in the states is 21. Wait, am I understanding this correctly?

It's a booze-fueled learning, partying and networking event unlike any other. Plus, you get to hang out in Vegas for a weekend!

He drank himself to death, alone in a motel room, a bottle of booze in his hand and five empties in the room. One can only guess what drove him to such a tragic end, but it is a fitting demise for a man whose professional reputation is based entirely on a lie.

If you print two dozen sponsor logos on the back of a free conference t-shirt, I'll probably toss the shirt and wish you spent the t-shirt budget on better booze at the afterparty. I know I'm not averse to t-shirts in general, since my wife will take any opportunity to give me trouble about how many shirts I've bought from Woot and Threadless...

The US only has themselves to blame, this isn't about protecting people from addictions because lets face it if you want to gamble legally you can go to a casino and if you want ***** you can walk down to the corner and if you want booze you can go to a bottle shop or bar. What's the difference between Internet gambling and going to a casino?

Some people do though, alcohol addiction is a real problem for some people, and booze kills quite a lot of folks. You're right, though, crack and some others seem to have horrific addiction profiles and I've even heard of Brazilian drug-lords forbidding its sale in their territory because it destroys any sort of community stability and kills the market.

I am not positive, but as a former bar owner, it is for sure a federal felony to mislabel booze; I am not sure about how things play out, if you are not selling it. Edit: Not to pile on, but as someone who has poured a **** load of money, sweat and blood into a bar in the past, if I read something like this, I would stay as far away from you as possible as I wouldn't want to open myself up to the liabilities your company is sure to cause an establishment.

Booze definitions


an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented

See also: liquor spirits


consume alcohol; "We were up drinking all night"

See also: drink fuddle