Spiny in a sentence as an adjective

BS. They have spiny needles that can ***** but it is no more dangerous than rose thorns.

It's like walking down the road and there's a purple thistle flower in all its spiny glory. Purple.

Weaverbirds spend their life on spiny trees and build their nests on branches of such spiny trees.

Turning on those fans and buzzing your spiny disks. It also never turns on in the middle of the night to do stuff.

Yeah, that's a problem of the "That cactus is dangerously spiny!" "Well, then stop trying to tackle it!"

Not to mention the random access performance of spiny disks ain’t too great either.

Would present his back for him to mount, taking care to conceal the spiny projection of his fins in their sheath&;&."

On an evening walk with my kids, we discuss the trees we see along the way - why does this tree have these spiny leaves but the others don't? How did that plant get on top of that tree?

Sad Panda: "It was a little faster, but I ended up getting one of the CS guys to help me run it on a tesla cluster with OpenCL. But I think I can use it on the spiny lumpsucker data I'm collecting."

I've got a trick for eating nettles which involves handling the top of the leaf and carefully folding the spiny underside away, but that takes about 30s per leaf. Don't think I'd come anywhere close to placing with that strategy...

She says that two species of spiny rats in Japan have lost the mammalian Y chromosome completely, shifting many genes to other chromosomes. That's interesting!

My least favorite Florida spider is also nonvenomous but I used to get bitten by the spiny orb weaver any time I was near a citrus tree.

Well, in botany is more a question of: "are the leaves entire, serrulate, serrate, double serrate, dentate, crenulate, crenate, toothed, spiny or undulated?" .

Boquila's leaves can even grow a spiny tip when, and only when, it climbs onto a shrub with spine-tipped leaves." [5] > When there are no nearby host leaves to influence them, the normal leaves of B. trifoliolata are relatively short and light green with rounded edges.

Hybridized spiny lobster neural tissue and a heuristic API and some random mess of backward-chaining expert systems. They got out of their lab and into the Net and Manfred brokered a deal to set them free, in return for their help running a Franklin orbital factory.

I suggest using the non-white space seperator like a -: spiny-approval-avalanche uncouth-tattoo If Bitwarden default is not safe, the software should not be used.

And to be honest, modern cars are easier to use than some kitchen appliances - don't need to insert a key anymore, press a button on the dashboard, you get two pedals, one to go faster,the other to go slower, and then turn the round spiny-thing to go in the direction you want to. Seriously, bicycles are more complicated to use than than.

There are many similar examples, such as the way dolphins living off Western Australia learnt to hold sponges over their snouts to protect themselves when searching for spiny fish on the ocean floor. Such observations, along with others showing, for example, how dolphins could co-operate with military precision to round up shoals of fish to eat, have prompted questions about the brain structures that must underlie them.

Spiny definitions


having spines; "the dorsal fin is spinous"

See also: spinous


having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.; "a horse with a short bristly mane"; "bristly shrubs"; "burred fruits"; "setaceous whiskers"