Sphericity in a sentence as a noun

These were made of hollow ceramic spheres of exacting sphericity. A sphere provides maximum enclosed volume and strength for a minimum amount of structure, so was a good choice for the pressure vessel shape.

The non-sphericity of the cow applies only at distances comparable to the size of the cow. The corrections would be meaningful for the "Jupiter" and "Venus" results, but negligible otherwise.

The relative sphericity of the moon is nearly immaterial here: when the moon is in full phase, do you see notable dimness around the edges where less sunlight is reflected away from you? Increasing the albedo to a near-perfect mirror cancels it all out.

I am and was very aware that knowledge about the Earth's sphericity is more ancient than some people may think; so I intentionally made my statement sufficiently vague to avoid your kind of quibble.

Being the leading theory a deficiency in the sphericity of the ocular globe due to a lack of a growth hormone that ought gets triggered correctly if you have enough exposition to sun light while growing up.

We characterize the resonators to exhibit an optical quality factor exceeding a billion, 10 μm radius, and sphericity to within less than 1 Å. Using our high quality and sphericity, we experimentally lift degeneracies of orders higher than 200, which we resolve with optical finesse exceeding 10 000 000.

Sphericity definitions


the roundness of a 3-dimensional object

See also: sphericalness globosity globularness rotundity rotundness