Spasm in a sentence as a noun

You'll feel the muscle spasm then release when you get it just right.

I even pressed the "panic button" by mistake when I had a sleep spasm!

I have a 2013 MBA and I frequently hit the power button during a backspace spasm.

It can trigger heart attacks and death by causing the blood vessels that feed your heart to spasm and reduce blood flow.

If it passes through your body, your muscles will spasm but you will have an opportunity to pull away.

There's a short spasm by organized crime as they fight to stay alive, and then the system goes into cardiac arrest.

Our custom protocol couldn't really handle dropped packets, so if we filled the sender's or receiver's buffers, the servos would start to spasm.

Had they been given the Surface, I imagine my legs would be in constant spasm from all the frustrated and confused phone calls I'd be receiving.

Then the company went through a 'local CEO was ripping off the company, sack him and **** all his projects' spasm, and the machine never got to market.

> people are precipitating "a global spasm of biodiversity loss.

I was also reminded of that weird final scene in the Animatrix short about the runner when he has some kind of warp spasm before transcending and waking from the Matrix.

Muscle needs to be a conductor because that's how the 'tense' message is signalledwitness Luigi Galvani and his experiments on frogs' legs: apply a current, watch the leg spasm.

Not that I'd expect anything less from a site titled "Cult of Mac"How is the reader expected to take this as even remotely objective commentary, as opposed to the quasi-orgasmic fanboy text-spasm that it surely is?

This will have huge implications in the moral aspects of punishment; it will basically nullify the concept of 'guilt' as there won't be a difference between someone who has an epileptic seizure and kicks somebody down the stairs in a spasm, killing him; and a psychopathic murderer who creeps up on a woman at night and cuts her throat.

Spasm definitions


a painful and involuntary muscular contraction

See also: cramp


(pathology) sudden constriction of a hollow organ (as a blood vessel)