So-called in a sentence as an adjective

I made stitched images from video showing tanks awaiting a push into so-called 'infected' cities[3].

"they don't implement the original X11 protocol directly and rely on so-called window manager hints.

>what do you expect in a free market system that rewards every marginal advantageI expect the government to allow so-called free market capitalists to fail when they fail.

Therefore, it sought to justify its ability to do so under the doctrine of so-called 'ancillary jurisdiction,' meaning that it had an implied power to do so in aid of its expressly granted powers.

If you pranked me by pretending that HN has a good track record for dealing with OT submissions, I say "well-played" and redouble my argument in favour of moderating April 1st submissions: Your comment is funnier than most of the so-called prank posts I've seen.

I think David Foster Wallace gives the most accurate comparison I've read, and I always want to show it to those lucky souls who have never had to deal with this type of depression:The so-called psychotically depressed person who tries to **** herself doesnt do so out of quote hopelessness or any abstract conviction that lifes assets and debits do not square.

So-called definitions


doubtful or suspect; "these so-called experts are no help"

See also: supposed