Disquisition in a sentence as a noun

Choice, how paradoxical thou art!I am sorry if you find this disquisition boring but I had an urge to write it down somewhere.

Oh, please don't let my fragile sensibilities get in the way of your entirely off-topic disquisition.

" Who the **** is "we"?Of course, this question begs the question of whether "we" believe any such thing, because no such idea follows at all from the preceding disquisition.

While I agree that social media is not the root problem, I cannot grasp why a disquisition about Intellectual Property could help us to understand what is going on.

The essay may be as personal as a toupee or as austere and sublime as a Himalayan peak; it may be as light as the foam on faery seas or erudite as the disquisitions of him whose"... words of learned length and thundering sound amaz'd the gazing rustics rang'd around';it may be fun or the prickliest sort of intellectual stimulation; its ideas may be straws which build bridges or rugged ores polished to the texture of satin.

Disquisition definitions


an elaborate analytical or explanatory essay or discussion