Snout in a sentence as a noun

Mountain Lions are kinda weird, they tend to have an elongated snout.

Worrying snout deepfakes is truly a pseudo problem.

Yeah, but snout is a great concept for something that involves sniffing.

>So, a human is born, lives and dies and that's it?The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinochle on your snout.

Many restaurants in Southern Europe, including France, serve dishes such as pig feet, pig snout or pig head.

Because if there's no near-naked metal-clad babe tied upside-down to the snout of a space dragon I'll be so pissed off.

I thought the whole issue was that people trying to snob you were full of it and that you oughta just buy whatever you enjoy and tell 'em to ram it up their snout.

"The perpetual haemophiliac bleeding from the snout must trickle along approved lines," said Miss Mosley-Mengele.

My brain freeze was not caused by anxiety, but rather the Office Dog wandering into the interview room, sitting down on my feet and shoving its snout firmly between my legs.

Snout definitions


a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal's head; especially the nose


informal terms for the nose

See also: beak honker hooter nozzle snoot schnozzle schnoz


beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils

See also: rostrum