Rostrum in a sentence as a noun

I used to work on computerised rostrum cameras and optical rigs, and watching the rigs actually doing slitscan was always fun.

Therefore, the sponge may be used to protect their rostrums as they forage in a niche where echolocation and vision are less effective hunting techniques.

Analysing a race performance by looking at a rostrum - those who make the rostrum have performances worth looking at in detail, and skipping those that don't can save you a lot of time.

Here's the original:"Velocissimum omnium animalium, non solum marinorum, est delphinus, ocior volucre, acrior telo, ac nisi multum infra rostrum os illi foret medio paene in ventre, nullus piscium celeritatem eius evaderet.

Rostrum definitions


a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it

See also: dais podium pulpit ambo stump soapbox


beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils

See also: snout