Snack in a sentence as a noun

Thin people eat moderate meals and don't snack.

One snack I had to drop, and mean I had to because it was a binge type snack, was nuts.

During the course of the day, I bought lunch, a snack, and some pencils or something.

Any time I was remotely hungry, grab an approved snack.

70% accepted in the morning to down below 10% before snack?

All that total was less than the $20, it was something like $10 for lunch, $2 for the snack, and $5 for the pencils.

But maybe the person I help will buy a tasty snack and their happiness will go up in those moments.

Snack in a sentence as a verb

We went to one of the snack areas, and there were opened bags of organic chips just laying around.

My co-workers for example, might very well only sit down for a meal twice, but they snack constantly.

- I'm more likely to skip lunch when I'm enthralled with solving a problem, since I can just grab a snack when I finally snap out of it.

Communities start out allowing almost anything "What's a good snack to help programmers stay awake?

That perspective will show the spying story so far to be nothing more than an appetizing 'light snack' before the immensely satisfying main course.

Several design changes have been made to food at Google: healthier snacks on the snack shelves, color-coding snacks, more plates of the smaller variety in cafes.

Things like celebrating birthdays, \n throwing baby showers, collecting for gifts, selling Tupperware or Avon, \n managing sports tournaments, running betting pools, calling home to keep a \n romance alive or hand out chores to the children, gossiping or flirting with \n co-workers, getting a haircut, going to a medical or dental appointment, \n running to the cafeteria for a snack, coming in a little late or leaving a \n little early, taking Friday afternoon off, and griping about working \n conditions were all inappropriate when done on company time.

Proper Noun Examples for Snack

Startup idea: Security Snacks - one-time pads printed on pairs of snack foods

Snack definitions


a light informal meal

See also: bite collation


eat a snack; eat lightly; "She never loses weight because she snacks between meals"

See also: nosh