Collation in a sentence as a noun

For that you need to first normalize, and then follow the collation rules, which don't sort by raw code points at all.

There's certainly a strong collation behind it--the money alone makes it so.

Really, the solution is to switch away from MySQL and forget about collations and encodings.

There is a case insensitive collation for utf8mb4 so half of the problems there are just a misconfiguration.

MySQL is one of the worst offenders for broken Unicode and collation problems arising therein.

This whole fiasco happened two years ago, and I don't remember what the show-stopper was, but we decided not to use that collation.

Either that, or the reverse: the computer might use a collation method where all 'aa' pairs are treated as an 'å', which isn't quite right either, and maybe actually more confusing.

Only MySQL compared character columns in a case insensitive way which caused us some extra work, but we did fix this using the proper collation.- I worked on a Django project.

The subreddit /r/tinyhouses has lots of this sort of thing, and is a pretty good collation of various blogs and articles on the subject, with some pretty decent conversation.

With this one general technique defined, we not only drastically increase PostgreSQL's user-defined type abilities, but we better solve this whole class of collation problem.

> People think that Unicode support is just a matter of implementing multi-byte characters, but it's so much more: you've got collation rules, ligatures, rendering, line-breaking, punctuation, reading direction, and so on.

"With per-column collation, you are being advocated to have two fields, one english_name, and one french_name, that have /the same content/, but are defined using a different collation, so that the ordering condition on them becomes language-dependent.

A related Guardian article notes:"Unlike the smaller cache of US cables and war logs passed in 2010 to WikiLeaks, the offshore data was not structured or clean, but an unsorted collation of internal memos and instructions, official documents, emails, large and small databases and spreadsheets, scanned passports and accounting ledgers.

This can be still done fast, but if you actually want to claim unicode support you should also consider:- Unicode collation orders- Unicode string equivalence algorithms- Unicode normalization algorithmsThis will also take care of all the unicode weirdnesses that no one actually uses or cares about but you still must implement to claim compatibility like: presentational forms, combining diacritics, ligatures, double sized characters and other odd stuff.

Collation definitions


a light informal meal

See also: bite snack


assembling in proper numerical or logical sequence


careful examination and comparison to note points of disagreement