Slicker in a sentence as a noun

Is your company doing what the next one is doing, just slicker and faster and with a twist?

Thought intelligence agents would be slicker than that.

You still have a watermarked image, it's just slicker looking.

It's very similar, just slicker with, as you say, better document and snippet sharing.

Android looks slicker and more useful every day while iOS is slowly grinding on with the same old app icons and home button.

The Office addin installer can be put as a merge module into an MSI, that will make the overall install experience much slicker.

Theranos' app is undoubtedly slicker...Silicon Valley can afford better software people than labs can.

IOS has much, much higher quality apps availableiOS has visually slicker apps, but they are less functional, because iOS is more locked down.

Slicker definitions


a macintosh made from cotton fabric treated with oil and pigment to make it waterproof

See also: oilskin


a person with good manners and stylish clothing


someone who leads you to believe something that is not true

See also: deceiver cheat cheater trickster beguiler